We are busily preparing for the 2010 Sticks and Stones festival, and I have just finished my informational page with the musicians , artists, and events scheduled for the big weekend.
Visitors to the show this year are in for a great variety of artists and mediums. Being involved in clay as I am, I am very excited to feature some awesome Ceramists.
Bill Gossman will be with us this year, he has participated in past shows and we are glad he is back on the schedule. Bill is a potter's potter, the genuine article. His studio in New London, MN is always fun to visit, because Bill is the kind of guy that is always working on something new. Some will remember his porcelain lamps at the 2008 Show. Bill is an inspiration with his throwing techniques, and his vast knowledge of the ceramics process. He is generous with that knowledge and has been a mentor to many.
Bill also serves as the Mayor of New London. I have been fortunate to participate in the community at several events, and this is truly a town that supports the arts. Bill is an organizer for the annual folk music festival that is held in the park. Oh did I mention that Bill is also an accomplished musician on several instruments, and visitors to the campfire jam might hear him play a fiddle, penny whistle,harmonica, or squeeze box!
I see more and more as the craftspeople I know" mature" including me,(ahem) that the art becomes more than the creations one produces, but it integrates a way of life, that becomes an art in itself. Bill's generosity with his time in the community is certainly an extension of his craft and his way of life.
To see more of Bill's work, check out Bill Gossman Pottery
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